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Showing posts from June, 2020

PM KUSUM Solar Scheme | Solar On Agricultural Land | Farmers Can Earn By...

Floating Solar PV Power Plants

Adwit Solar Floating Solar PV As its name floating solar PV, PV modules mounted on floating flat form type of structure that floats on water surface. It is applicable in water reservoirs, lakes, irrigation water storage ponds, industrial water storage ponds and man made ponds where water in steady condition. An institute of Japan built first FSPV of 20 KW in 2007 and in 2008 first commercial scale Floating Solar PV plant of 175 KW built in 2008 in California USA. China is a leading country in FSPV in terms of capacity & Japan in No’s of installations. India started its first pilot project of FSPV of 10 KW in Kolkata (WB) in 2015. In 2016 NTPC installed in Kerala 100 KW and the journey begins with more than 1 MW by 2019.                                                     Why Floating Solar   1 MW ground mounted solar power project requires 2.5 to 4 acres of land (It depends upon the PV technology and PV module size selection) and land acquisition is not easy & time con

MW Solar Power PV

MW Solar PV MW scale/solar parks/utility scale solar PV plants are large grid interactive solar PV plants to sale generated power to grid network of Discom’s according to PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) signed between developer and Discom for a fixed tenure(25 years) or mutually agreed. In India mw scale solar power plants installed capacity is 32 GW by 2019.   Karnataka has highest MW solar installations 7277 MW by 2019. In 2010 it was less than 150 mw and increased by more than 200 times in 9 years that shows solar is fastest developing industry in India .                                                MW Solar PV Power Generation 1 MW solar power plant generate 15 to 17 lakh kwh per year that depends on below factors.   Location       Designs & Engineering          Selection of Components         Transmission Losses   Cost of MW Solar PV   1 MW solar power plant cost approx 3 to 4 Cr INR that also depend on below factors. Location        Designs & Engineering